17 October 2007

Street Theater Continued...


Finally, I had to get the boy out of the house so I decided to strap him on my back in the Ergo and off we went. We found some good street theater and did some window shopping for souvenirs.

14 October 2007

Down Time


This was the week where we were alone. All of the friends we had made at school had all left. It was very difficult for me because I was having such a hard time there....as well as missing home, and trying to get Andre to adjust better to Mexico. Due to the down time, we hardly ventured out. Because of this, Andre felt quite a lot of cabin fever and found himself stuck in certain situations. ;)

13 October 2007

Talking to Nino


Andre loved to talk to Nino on the phone. Today was an extra special day for him because he got to talk to Nino for something like 12 minutes!! The random donkey is as random as you can get. Can you imagine how random it would be to bring a donkey that looked like this into the middle on Chicago or LA?

12 October 2007

10/12/07 - Exploring some night life


The city began their street theater festival that week and Andre and I ventured out to see what the opening act might be. We only got to see their dress rehearsal because I wasn't feeling up to par to go to the real show, nor did I want to deal with the crowds.

I took this photo of the beautiful sky and clouds while I was on a break at school.

Andre, chillin' out, waiting for the day to begin.

The opening act was some sort of gymnastics/trapieze type of show with an African flavor. It would have been fun to see it in full dress.

Just one of the many odd places Andre's fallen asleep.

11 October 2007

10/11/07 - In search of a playground


After being there nearly a month, I had been unable to locate a park that had playground equipment. Katy had said she thought she had seen one at a park somewhat nearby our former host family's house. We went on a hunt that day and managed to find one, though the equipment was old, and geared toward much older children.

Below, are pictures of Rafael our host mother's eldest son, and Lupita, our host mother.

This gigantic rock has a pretty impressive history. Apparently, it rolled it's way off Cerro de la Bufa long ago, and came to rest right there in the park.

Katy and Andre playing on the slide. He had a great time and Even though it was obvious Katy was having a hard time with Andre, she was getting much better than before with not getting annoyed or frustrated with him.

10 October 2007



One of the best things I could have brought with us to Mexico was the portable DVD player. I had brought a couple of DVD's with us from home, but those got old real quick. I happened to find a department store there and was able to purchase some DVD's for Andre so he wouldn't get bored with the same old thing. He must have watched the animated movie, "Cars," about 100+ times since purchasing the DVD. But, if it made him happy to be in his favorite chair, while watching his favorite movie, then that's all that mattered to me!

09 October 2007

El Mercado


There was only two of us at this point in school; myself and Katy. Out instructors decided to take us on a little excursion to the local mercado. It was really cool to see a true Mexican mercado or "grocery store".

Inside the mercado was a tortilla factory. We were allowed to walk behind the counter to see how they made the tortillas. It was pretty interesting and I got some good photos.

My instructor Luci on the left, Karla, the other instructor on the right.

Prickly Pear Cactus vegetable.

These little wrestling masks were all over the place down there. I think they are pretty silly.

Katy trying on hats in the hat store.

City of Zacatecas police motor bike.

Andre wearing Katy's new hat.

Eating at the really yummy French restaurant.